You’re invited to further your dental implant knowledge by attending the Modern Implant Institute Study Club. Come and participate in the Modern Implant Institute Study Club. You will be introduced to cases and topics that will improve your dental implant knowledge. These presentations will alternate between prosthetic and surgical topics, and will address issues and concepts that clinicians face daily.
The MII Study Club meets in person, once a quarter. Participants are encouraged to bring a case they would like to have reviewed and discussed by the speaker and other participants. Instructions to have your case reviewed can be found on our website, under the “Study Club” tab. Reserve your spot today, as participation size is limited.
Minimal Sedation:
From the early days of nitros oxide and ether, dentistry has been at the forefront of medical anesthesia. While other surgical disciplines continue to use various forms of sedation outside of nitrous oxide, dentistry has largely avoided its routine use. This topic will introduce oral sedatives as a reliable adjunct to everyday operative dentistry both for phobic patients and for cases that require longer chair time. Minimal sedation can also help your practice stand out in an otherwise crowded field. Join us to learn how you can start providing safe and effective minimal sedation for your patients.
Upcoming Topics
Implant Esthetics – June 28, 2023
Immediate Implant Placement – September 20, 2023
Treatment Planning and Presentation – December 6, 2023
Case Review Documents